Yes. He tried to eat that flower too.
Yes. He tried to eat that flower too.

To Dog…or Not to Dog — That is the Question.

We’re doggy-sitting this beautiful dog now — it’s kind of a “trial run”? You know, to see if we could fit a dog into our life? He’s so sweet, he’s a Golden Retriever, the “supermodel” of dogs, with the personality to go with it. But I’ll say this — having a dog in your life is a pretty big deal compared to having cats, hamsters and fish, haha.

Deep Thoughts while Dog-sitting a Golden Retriever…

Pros: They love going for walks, clean your floor of food debris, good company, cute all the time, people are friendly so they can pet the dog, unconditional love

Cons: They eat and eat and stare at you while you eat, are ninjas at breaking in and eating cat food, eat butter off the counter, wake you up to eat more, eat cat turds (this may be a pro…) steal kids princess puppets and stuffies…And then there’s the silent gas attacks…think it’s the butter or the cat food?

Ummm…He’ll grow out of it right? Good dog.

Mel Z – Middays on Ocean 98.5