Something amazing happened when this tour boat headed out into the waters off of Vancouver Island.

They didn’t just get a lovely view of “supernatural BC”. They got a once-in-a-lifetime experience with nature. Nature came to them, actually — it hopped up on their boat to be specific.

As this little harbour seal sits quietly, this Go-Pro video shows why he chose to spend some time with humans on this boat instead of in the ocean.

There’s some colourful language on the Campbell River Whale and Bear Excursions tour boat, as they watch the Orcas hunt under and around their boat for about 40 minutes as the seal seeks refuge. Must have been freaky to realize that the pod of killer whales knew their dinner was sitting on their boat. (note: language)

I suppose you could accuse them of “harbouring” a fugitive, but this little seal proves that determination is where it’s at if you live in the sea and are a link in the food chain below the majestic Orca whales.

Mel Z – Middays 10am – 3pm Ocean 98.5

Filed under: Campbell River Whale and Bear Excursions, Harbour Seal, Jumps on Boat, seal, Seal Escapes Orca, Vancouver Island, Whale Watching